Creating your own wedding cake!

Creating your own wedding cake!

Create Your Own Show-Stopping Wedding Cake with Nude Cakes!

Dreaming of creating your own wedding cake but worried you don't have the skills? Fear not! Nude Cakes has got you covered with our ready-to-decorate sponge cakes. Today, we're excited to share a real-life example from our office team to show you just how easy it is to create a stunning wedding cake at home, even with no prior baking or decorating experience!

DIY Wedding Cake Success

Victoria, a member of our office team, recently crafted a beautiful wedding cake for her sister’s big day. Victoria doesn't work in our bakery and has no previous experience in cake decorating, but created an amazing cake, Here's how she did it using Nude Cakes!

The Cake Components:

For this project:
3x 10-inch Lemon Sponges
3x 8-inch Vanilla Sponges
3x 6-inch Chocolate Sponges

The cake tiers included:
- Bottom Tier: Lemon cake with vanilla buttercream and lemon curd
- Middle Tier: Vanilla sponge with white chocolate buttercream and passionfruit puree
- Top Tier: Chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream

Step-by-Step Guide to Your Own Wedding Cake

1. Preparation
-Unwrap the Cakes: Start by unwrapping the sponge cakes. You may need to trim the tops slightly to ensure they are completely flat.
- Layering: Decide if you want to split each layer in half to fill with buttercream or keep them whole for thicker sponge layers( for this cake the each layer was cut in half)

2. Filling and Stacking
- Bottom Tier (Lemon):
- Spread a layer of vanilla buttercream.
- Pipe a buttercream border around the edge.
- Add lemon curd to the middle.
- Place the second lemon sponge on top.

Middle Tier (White Chocolate and Passionfruit):
- Spread a layer of white chocolate buttercream.
- Pipe a buttercream border around the edge.
- Add passionfruit puree to the middle.
- Place the second vanilla sponge on top.

- Top Tier (Chocolate):
- Spread a layer of chocolate buttercream.
- Place the second chocolate sponge on top.

once all of the layers have been stacked place them in the fridge to firm up!

3. Ganache Coating
- Making the Ganache:
- Use 2100g of Callebaut white chocolate and 700ml of double cream.(a ratio of 3:1 of chocolate and cream)
- Split the ganache in half, leaving one half its natural colour and colouring the other half white, using Ingenious Edibles white icing whitener, then leave to cool and firm up before spreading on the cake. 

Crumb Coat- this is a thin coating of ganache to hold all of the cake crumbs in:
- Cover each tier with a crumb coat of the uncoloured ganache.
- Refrigerate for about 10 minutes.

Final Coat:
- Apply a final layer of the whitened ganache to each layer.
- Smooth it using a metal cake scraper.

4. Assembling the Cake
- Support: Place dowels in the bottom and middle tiers to support the weight, and cake plates between each layer.
- Stacking: Stack the tiers, using parchment paper under your hands when handling the cake to prevent marks on the ganache( as long as the ganache is cold it will handle easily)
- Finishing Touches: Fill the gaps between layers with the whitened ganache.

5. Decorating
- Floral Touches: finish with fresh flowers of your choice! (be sure to wrap them in floral tape!)

The Result
Anyone can create a beautiful cake. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced baker, our ready-to-decorate sponge cakes make it easy to design the wedding cake of your dreams.

Ready to try your hand at cake decorating? Order your Nude Cakes today and start creating unforgettable memories!

**Share your creations with us on social media using #NudeCakesCreations. We can't wait to see what you make!**

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